*33 Pictures*
Day 5
This is the living room of my guesthouse for the first 5 days in korea. A guest house is like a cheap motel but in a small cosy house. I booked a single room to live in because of privacy but most people living in double rooms or 6 bed dormitories. The guys and girls share the same room. Wireless internet, cable TV and washing machine is provided.
This is the kitchen with its very humble bread toaster, which I used everyday to toast my morning breakfast. Ahh...those were the days.
And this was the room I stayed in, notice there are 2 beds but only 1 person (me) living in it. They couldn't give me a single room so they gave me a room with 2 beds instead.
This is my new room! As of now I've slept 2 nights on this bed. Its as stiff as a slab of stone but the blankets are comforting and can last me throughout the night. When I go back to singapore, I am gonna buy some winter blankets. This stuff is fantastic, its like wrapping yourselve up in heated sheets.
My window view, a decent forest with plenty of trees. I expect them to change colour during autumn and subsequently during winter. It is gonna be a pretty sight for ME. MWAHAHHA.
The laundry room with washing machines and dryers. Cost nothing to use them so I am bringing one set of clothings down to wash and dry everyday. Waste of electricity? Korea doesn't mind...it literally farts natural resources at will.
Li pan reading the newspaper at The Kitchen, the cafeteria for our dorm. Its like the Quad, more expensive just for the ambience.
A simple egg and bacon sandwich breakfast costing 4500won. Thats abt $7.
I hope they rot in hell for daylight robbery.
The road to our dorm. Notice the lush greenery.
A less awesome view of my current home. Certainly looks very crappy from this angle.
The road outside my road lined with Maple trees. This is going to be a fascinating sight once again. The weather suddenly turned cold over the past 2 days and clouds are covering the sky which means its gonna be autumn soon. I'll give you guys a picture of the same road when the maples turn golden ya?
S- Road. In every post, I have an artistic shot.
This is it.
A park near my school and down the road. Its supposedly pitch dark here at night. Couples congregate here to do unspoken things. Unfortunately its a hell hole for me. Mosquitoes practically lord over this place. Its terrible. I can't imagine dating someone here. Quarreling yes. Its alot easier to find excuses to smack someone in the face. Dating, no.
Another view of the park. It reminds me of the Hippo enclosure in the Zoo.
This picture says: If you light up in the park, we will have free toasted bunnies and squirrels for breakfast tomorrow.
The almight glorious amphi-theatre located on top of a hill. Once a year, Yonsei supposedly invites popular korean singers and stars to perform here. On other days, groups gather here to practise things. Just today I saw 5 guys dancing on the stage in a very gay manner, its something like waterboys, but on the stage.
We had a good time laughing at them.
The seoul skyline behind the amphitheatre. See the clouds? They are all being blown towards seoul.
One of the school buildings in Yonsei. Pretty isn't it? Its 120 years old.
A picture taken from the doorway of that grand old building. Lo and behold. A manicured garden.
And after the garden you get....a pretty damm long road.
Yonsei is actually a one road campus. All the schools are beside that one main road. This is one of the school... It reminds me of SAFTI MI
Realise that all the buildings are shaped like castles? The koreans have warfare ingrained into them. I bet in a situation where war breaks out, this place is gonna be fortified by the army.
God knows what school is this. But it looks good.
The library. Its 6 floors, huge, and very old (100years)
A typical line of bookshelves. 30 rows?
This is one of the amazingg study rooms. Compare it to our resource room lol. Guess how many seats and tables there are?
You can't see it, but it says 488. Fucking amazing. 488. What if someone farts. I can't help but think how many people would suck in the noxious poison before it gets ventilates out.
After walking to the end of the road, and past the main entrance of Yonsei you see....busy busy Sinchon.

Winston and Adam (my roommate) discussing what to eat in a Chinese Restaurant.

Adam with his fried rice. He's a Shanghainese who studies in Hong kong and exchanged to Korea.
And to end this little blog, me and my Zha Jiang Mian