For those of you who are fed up of all filler entries I crapped out, here is something better. Enjoy!
Ps. I haven't collate pictures for Busy Busy Bee part II. Maybe I'll upload it by December lol.
*21 Pictures*
Day 20 ( Monday)

I also slept after taking this picture.

When you come to Korea, try them. Try them or I will shoot you.
Day 23 (Wednesday)
I managed to crash Winston's marketing class on the premise of scouting for business babes, so I can share the goodies with my Hum Sup readers. Unfortunately the harvest was pretty bad and I had to settle for an hour of real marketing lessons.
In the picture above, you will notice prim and proper business ladies paying attention in class.

We took the longer route through EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY.
This is what it looks like from EWHA looking towards the main gate. See the nearest hill behind? Thats where our hostels are...So close yet so far. Haiz. Its quite a pretty campus, plenty of girls and a few guys like us strolling around like tourists.
The view from the Ewha chapel. I must comment that, as a really lazy blogger, you guys have to thank me for sacrificing my pride. I bet no other blogger walks through a Womans School with a camera snapping shots away.
Winston on the stairs outside the Ewha Chapel. Clearly happy.
In the background, I managed to take an upskirt photo of an unsuspecting girl.
Please do not download this photo to enlarge, its rude and invading the poor girl's privacy. However, I would gladly send you the enlarged photo if you ask me.

I dun have any photos of people walking past at this point, too preoccupied with the food.
In that table, Nick, Tracie, Adam and Justina
Nearby table, Mandy, Crystal and Linda
Gary, Winston and Me. Everyone has an English name except me.

Women in Ewha. The best shot I could get because they were walking pretty fast. The girl in pink had a pretty face. You guys can determine the rest...
I have no idea why I posted this picture. Crystal and Winston found the name of this cafeteria absolutely hysterical. I think its lame.
The only joke I can think of is: NTU has Canteen A, Ewha has School Food.
Unknown to my loyal viewers, I am actually really eating one ice cream a day. Marvel at my perseverance. Never knew I could be so hardworkingly commited eh?
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