The past week hasn't been very eventful so not much to blog about ya? First let me give you an update on my week.
1) Its raining in Korea. Not that cats and dogs variety, but more like those you would imagine if the Heavens were to piss.
2) I had no umbrella.
3) Point number 2 was the highlight of my week. I can't remember much except for being soaked from top down everyday.
Nevertheless its now Chu Sok (korean thanks giving) and I have the spare time to reward YOU, my little peons, with some photos when it was dry enough to take out my camera.
Last Week
*13 Pictures*

A stray dog in korea. It was sleeping peacefully under a car until i approached it for a shot. That little vermin scampered out from under the car and half heartedly stopped running halfway when it realised I wasn't dangerous. Then it did the strangest started blinking and dozed off standing, smack in the middle of my path.
At this juncture my dear readers would be thinking: "Wow! what a cute dog. Here lassie!"
That lil' fucker had me fooled too. I took a step on MY path and it awoke from its fake slumber and started snarling at me (refer to pissed off dog picture above). Unwilling to give up, it was down to a battle of will between us.
Man vs Dog.
Talented photographer vs Fur coat.
I lost. After 5 min, I gave up and went around it. I decided I could learn to eat dog meat.
This, my friends, is one of the spiciest food you will find in Korea. Squid of some sorts with vegetables and an insane amount of chilli. Insane amount. I can't stress that anymore.

A blurry photograph of a male and female MC on a smaller stage. Doesn't show much. Read down.
Large LCD screen 2 storeys high on the department exterior. The female MC is pretty...yum...

I wouldn't settle for anything other than a non-shared frozen yoghurt
Day 30
*21 Pictures*
The Mentor's Club had a Chu seok celebration and invited all the international students there to participate. It was something like an introduction to their culture, some performances and eating free food. Read more to find out!
Thats an Indian professor who is undoubtedly from the engineering faculty with his little son. The aim of this game is to throw 4 arrows into a dustbin. Its harder than it looks and i got zero out of 4 throws. Quite a fun game really. There was a dimunitive chinese girl who insisted on perfecting her skills. Obviously raised up in a perfectionistic environment, she went about 20 times retrying till she got an average of 3 out of 4. Admirable spirit, but truly scary to me.
Mandy(hk) and Li wei(Tw) posing. We were playing puzzles all night long. Taiwanese people do have the really lame games...he reminds me of XYZ!!!! But my dear OGL more shuai lah...
International students meeting new people. The downside of such events is that you have to start shaking hands with new people and trying hard to remember their names. And the next time you walk around in school and see them, there is about a split second to recall their names and greet them. Everyone should wear a nametag.
Winston the friendly neighbourhood crocodile in action.

She says, its a Holiday where people can sleep and eat.
Large size American girl blocking my view of the performace. Everyone else have their buttocks firmly implanted on the ground. Maybe she thinks her buttocks are made of gold. Maybe its true. I'll have to verify it through a tried and tested method of biting it.
We got to try the traditional Korean costumes. I think its called the Han Bok, doesnt look that good but it does look very comfortable. Here, Winston is showing how obese koreans used to be. Ever since the Americans introduced Macdonalds in korea, the koreans slimmed down so much they had no need to wear Han boks and instead wore tight jeans and figure flaunting dresses.

Crystal and his very handsome mentor. He also happens to be the only handsome guy in my class. Funny thing was, crystal told me her mentor was handsome and I told her my classmate was probably more handsome than her mentor. Turns out is the same handsome lad. Girls, feast your eyes on this photo....because HE'S GAY!
K. Kidding lah....not gay at all.....
A crab desperately climbing out of a fish tank. Prison break 4 anyone?

And the crab belonged to a restaurant.

A phamplet on the windshield of a car. When I took this photo, I didn't realise there was a guy sitting inside the car staring at me take this photo.
Anyway the phamplet is talking about the location of a "bar" nearby with "hostesses" 20-30 years old, apparently with "large" assets. There's even a minimap on the phamplet to make finding easy. If that isn't good advertising, I don't know what is.
We went to the supermart and i bought 2 cartons of milk. The grapes dun look pretty but they taste good.
Oh yeah, so we came back and i started to update my blog. 10 minutes in, an ang mo knocked on my door and started talking to us. With a can of sprite and a charming smile, he leaned on the door frame and casually mentioned to us he's playing Nintendo Wii with 4 japanese ladies downstairs. And a party game is no good without a party.
As soon as he left, I messaged winston and we both went down immediately.
So there you go, Jonas the ang mo, 4 japanese girls whose names I can vaguely remember. Maiko, mommy, shizuka and showie. The girl on the far right is a american korean who goes by the name of Silver. Jonas was buayaing her.
Shizuka with the wii remote. We played for quite long till it was 1.30 and then decided to sleep. They were still playing when we left. So thats the entry for today! Or rather yesterday. Today I had a great time with the asia gang again but I'll update tomorrow when I come back from another trip to the N-Seoul Tower with my language buddy Ki Won.
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