Sunday, 4 November 2007
Someday We'll Know
Yesterday night, crystal recounted to me on an event that happened in the evening. She and her roommate were going out for dinner, when her roommate received a call from her mum in the Netherlands. She was informed that her father was in critical condition. I was told, she broke down crying and started packing her bags to return home but her mother insisted she stayed.
As we were walking back to the university, contemplating the frailties of life, it never occured to me that sometimes things strike closer to home.
I went back and sent an email home after a reminder from my dearest karen. Turns out, I have not been sending emails back for more than a month. Time sure flies here...
So I got the email sent in a routine procedure before going to study and sleep. This morning, I got an email back from my mum who told me my dad was hospitalised for internal bleeding a few weeks back. It totally broke my heart. First thing that shot into my mind was how incompetent I was as a son, to be so late to know, oblivious to such a catastrophy. Second thing that slowly ebbed into my consciousness...was how helpless I was in somewhere far away. Unable to hear reassurance of my father's health. Or how my family was coping.
Some things are just strange. 2 sons in Singapore and nothing ever happens for the longest time. 2 of them leave for overseas and something like that happens. Its just low on probability ya' know?
I ran out of coherent things to type. My mind is pretty scrambled right now. uh, enjoy your lives people. For my friends studying, enjoy your exams too.
To the stars and back
For those who prefer the previous style... sorry? Lol. I got bored of it.
On a bit of good news. My brother who is currently working in the US has been interviewed on the Sunday times most recently. The interview was about, a company which i think he set up with his friends. If you would like to save on transportation time in singapore by finding people to share tagxe with, this is the website you SHOULD visit.
I am proud of my brother.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Pusan Train Ride Special
The group of us were waiting for our train at the rail station, getting ready to head home to Seoul after an eventful trip to Pusan and Gyeongju. The train that we were supposed to be traveling in, was not the clean and spacious KTX express train; instead it resembled more of an ordinary subway train. Reason being we were cheapskate tourists who opted for the KR youthpass, unaware of the 'surprises' that was in store for us.
The train doors were blocked by a mob of ajummas and ajeossis (aunties and uncles). So we had to push our way through this pile of humanity to get into the train because we didn’t want to stand on our wobbly legs throughout a 3 hr ride. We were seoul..seoul tired after days of walking and late nights. And being a 好公民 was the last thing on our minds.
Despite our valiant efforts, we were left with no seats. While placing my belongings on the floor, Ariyo exclaimed to us that that an ajumma just walked past and molested him.
The ajumma flashed a flirtatious smile at us as she friskily hopped back to her seat beside her hubby.
The ajumma was at least 50. We tried hard to get a good shot of her but she kept siamming.
Ariyo recounted between sobs of humiliation that the ajumma deliberately bumped into him, slid her hand and groped his butt. I suspect that there might have been an additional squeeze in that swift action sequence but Ariyo didn’t want to go into details. Poor Ariyo. He’s still awful traumatized right now. Holed up and shivering under his blanket in his dorm.
It seemed like this ajumma's skill with men was an innate faculty, nothing she had deliberately cultivated--that certain half-smile, a quirk of the brow, a careless, as if accidental, caress that drew men to her like a sexy queen bee, oozing oomph. The lascivious ajeossis in train started to flock to her, engaging in some incoherent banter, flirting, giggling, patting. Which soon transformed into hugs and lewd, indiscriminate acts like riding on their laps and slapping each others was so wicked that I was speechless.
The unbelievable part was that the ajumma played along with them, with her husband beside her! (in fact, the other couples behaved in the same manner, oblivious to their spouses’ reaction ) Harbouring some bizarre sort of tit-for-tat mentality, her husband went around the train, looking for prospective girls/women/anyone that he could lay his hands on by deliberately colliding into them. It was as if they were issued a guilt-free pass along with their train ticket. I forgot to mention that the folks were really drunk and high on soju, which probably explains their liberated and heightened state.
Thankfully, I’m a guy so I watched with amusement at the entire sexual pantomime unfolding in front of me. Hey I have seen lots of bizarre stuff but this definitely makes it into the top 5. It seemed kind of surreal. And it made me a little queasy, it was as if..I was watching some uncut scenes out of an awful, anachronistic ream of porn that was marked as “XXtremely Taboo” . All the ajeossis and ajummas are old enough to be grandmothers and grandfathers. I cant imagine if their children/ grandchildren were to see them.
If I am girl, this would undoubtedly be my most miserable ride in Korea. Lol.
The smell on the train was pretty bad…the dozen of ajummas besides me whipped out a bottle of soju and a container of kimchi, and began their own party. Needless to say, chaos ensued.
The drunk people on the carriage would get into drunken arguments, shoving each other, screaming and yelling. Ajummas would be cursing obscenities at their hubbies or random ajeossis who try to take advantage of them, women giggling incessantly as men piled on them, and some of them breaking out into impromptu karaoke performances.
Not to forget inane and wanton acts: There was this ajeossi who had a rip in his pants and he went around, exhibiting to the commuters his gaping hole and slapping his ass like some experienced, dirty pornstar who wanted to be punished.
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
The Busan Chronicles Part I
Just to keep you guys informed, I went to Busan last weekend from Friday morning to Sunday 11pm. Shortly after, I had mid term exams for many of my subjects in the past thats why I am updating only now. That, and my tendency to play DOTA.
Alright so enough of my excuses, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: The Busan Chronicles Part I!
*Warning! Biggest ever number of pictures in a single entry! 39!*

Mandy, Linda, Winston, Crystal and Maggies after we alighted from the Subway "Seoul Station"

The view inside Seoul Station. It looks like an airport, has some shops and fastfood chains. Very big and spacious, very modern. It must have cost alot to build this place...because they couldn't afford to hire someone to check the tickets. Anyone could have boarded the train. Anyone. Even that shifty looking terrorist strapped from top to bottom in dynamite. Oooh the horrors....
Couple clothings in Korea is very popular. Most of the time you get to see couples decked out in utterly obiang looking clothes so no one has the chance to resemble them. Its quite a good logic too. Imagine you and your partner are walking down crowded Seoul in a plain looking couple T-shirt. What happens if you lose sight of your partner and mistakenly grabs hold of another girl with the same shirt? What happens if you grab hold of ANOTHER GUY with the same shirt?
Think about it.
For couple clothes. The gaudier the better.

Walked a bit, took the subway a bit. And lo and behold, our new home for the night.
The magnificent view from our new home. Its so beautiful, diamonds pale in comparison. Lol.
A slightly more eye appealing picture. The Girl's bedroom.
The living room. We were sort of living in a HDB apartment type of guesthouse and we had the whole house to ourselves except for this strange looking east european woman who we immediately ignored. I thought she looked like a witch.
Then we took the subway a bit more and was shocked to find out that in Busan, the subways and stations were almost empty most of the time. In parts of Busan, you couldn't even see people under the age of 40.
Anyway that cute little dog (all stray dogs in korea are cute) was resting it arse on a cabbage when we arrived at a town market. It looked like it was trying to hatch the cabbage and no one around me thought that was strange. I thought it was strange.
Judging by the look on the dog's face, he didn't agree with me.
The town market where no one under 40 years old roamed. We stuck out like sore thumbs.
Ironically in that old folk town, there was a huge advertisement plastered on the wall for plastic surgery. This kinda stretches it a little...plastic surgery is one thing. Reverse ageing is another.

Busan International Film Festival. I have yet to see this movie but I heard its good. So here I am, shameless advertising a film out of nationalistic pride.
The Beach in Busan. The natural sand is soft but the weather was slightly autumny. It gave a slightly depressed mood to the atmosphere.
A bunch of girls making sand things. None of them looked hot but their sand pictures were pretty good. One group of them even sculpted a 3D frog statue that resembled a fat buddha. If thats not a useful life skill I dunno what is.

More shots of pseudo Singapore. It was here that I sat down and felt a tinge of homesickness. Tears welled up in my dry eyes and I missed the hot humid place I call home.
I think the others were quite surprised with my sudden break down lol.
We tried to enter the Closing Ceremony of the Busan Film Festival but it was guarded by many professional looking body guards in black suits and wore sunglasses-at night. They also had this nifty looking ear piece and walking talkie concealed at the collars of their jackey. Woooooooow.
Unfortunately for one of them, I asked to use the toilet and he had to follow me to the Gents where I secretly laughed at his mundane job while I gave a woosh of pee.
Penguins with sunglasses. All flash and no substance.
Oh yah, the picture. Fireworks! This one is orange.

I believe Music should be free.

Come on, imagine.
Imagine you were the policeman. A group of merrily drunk foreign students come to you trying to explain of a crime. Lol. Funny. Anyway he really did helped us and even sent crystal, liwei and gary to a police post who could document the crime.
We didn't recover the camera in the end. So I'm gonna end part 1 with this nicely concealed erotic picture hanged on the subway walls. For those of you who can't read whats in the white heart on the left, it says "Only love".
Korea is awesome.
The Busan Chronicles Part II
Our little story continues after the first night of our Busan trip. On the 2nd day at 1am, we reached home and the 10 of us waited ini line to use the single toilet till 3am... Charming stuff indeed. Next time I book a guest house, I would have to inquire on the toilet to occupants ratio.
*Warning! Only 14 pictures with some beautiful ones!*
The next morning, with most of us tired and grumpy, we booked out with all our luaguages and silently walked to a bus stop to hail a bus. As you can see, the weather wasn't any better. It certainly didn't help my mood one bit. Fortunately...the bus ride was one hour to the tip of Busan where there was some sort of an Island with a great sea view.
The place, of which I have no idea what its called. Lets call it Treasure Island.

Utter waste of talent... A university student who can speak 3 languages, moving a single cone for cars to pass through a tiny road.
We also took a tram ride.
The sky view in Treasure Island. Its beautiful aint it? 2nd most beautiful picture in my blog. Also! I realised blogspot has this nifty function where, when you click on the picture, it enlarges to full size!
Come on, give it a click. Make it your screen saver or something.

On the way down from the top of the cliff, they also have signboards with pictures to illustrate the kind of creatures that can be found nearby. About 3 kinds of ferocious sharks roam the shores here, silently waiting for the dumb caucasian blonde tourist to go dipping in...

It would be really sad for my gravestone to read:
" Here Lies Ariyo
Loving son
Saved a starving shark from imminent death"

On a neutrally relevant note. If you would glance at the background, you would notice a white stray dog. In korea, if the stray dogs aren't small and proportionally cute, they are large and have fur of pure snow. There is something funny with eating dogs here, they look gorgeous.
I hate Chihuahuas. Giant eyes too big for the eye sockets, head too big for the bodies. Attitude too weird for their size. They are the embodiment of everything gone wrong with a dog, with the exception of the poor poodle.
I would kill and eat a chihuahua, then string their skulls around my neck like a necklace.

The Hong Kong girls were grossed out and refused to pay. They then went to have lunch somewhere while we ate this nice fresh seafood. I think Crystal ate some too even though she was pretty affected. Brave girl.
I have the video of the entire cooking process, if you would like I can send to you. Takes 10min through skype ya?

A store named Singapole. Obviously a pun. Ironically selling autumn and winter clothings.
We left for Qing Zhou (Geongju) in the evening on a train and reached there at night.
Then we had a very fun session of drinking and very much later, penalties for losing card games where I drank coffee in replacement of alcohol.
I didn't sleep that night.